HESLB Online Loan Application 2023/2024 | Maombi ya Mkopo 2023/2024

Here is Complete details on HESLB Online Loan Application 2023/2024 

Here is detailed and a most comprehensive instruction on HELSB Online Loan Application 2023, HESLB Online Loan Application 2023/2024, Students Online Loan Application processes, Deadlines for HESLB Application (Mwisho wa Kutuma Maombi ya Mkopo 2023, Eligibility Criteria for  HESLB Applications, Required documents to complete HESLB Application, Application fee and How to Pay and so for.

Hi! This is Elite Portal blog site, the online platform intended to co-assist you a to reach your pre-set dreams on your education career with little effort


In this article we are going to provide you up to date and the most accurate information on HESLB Online Loan Application, our aim is assist to complete you HESLB Application successfully to avoid application rejection or denial and unnecessary failures

HESLB Brief Description:

The Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) is a body corporate established under Act No.9 of 2004 (as amended in 2007, 2014 and 2016) with the objective of assisting needy and eligible Tanzania student’s to access loans and grants to finance their higher education.

As the Government’s Ministry of Education (MoE) budget for 2023/2024 increased, therefore don’t miss this crucial opportunity to make sure you secure you HESLB Loan Allocation making your university education life smoother. Let’s get started!

Eligibility Criteria for HESLB Online Loan Application 2023 and Allocation.

To be eligible to apply and being allocated with this financial assistance, an Applicant MUST meet the following General Criteria;

  • Nationality: An Applicant MUST be a Tanzanian Citizen
  • Age: An applicant MUST not be aged more than 35 years old at the time of making HESLB Online Loan Application 2023/2024
  • Mode of Application: All applicants MUST compete his/ her application via the Online Loan Application Management System (OLAMS)
  • Admission Status: An applicant MUST be already admitted to a reputable institution accredited by Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU)
  • Financial Status: An applicants MUST have any other source of income to finance his/her University educations
  • Employments Status: An applicant MUST not be employed in public sector for the duration of more than 3 years
  • Continuing Applicants: Continuing Applicants who postponed their studies for a while and were allowed following demonstration of valid reason that made them postpone their educational studies

NB: The NEEDY applicant who falls on one or more of the following conditions are highly considered during HESLB Loan Allocation; these conditions are indicated in the HESLB Online Application Guidelines as follows;

  • Orphan applicants
  • Disable Applicants
  • Applicant from marginalized community
  • Applicant with disabled parent(s)

HESLB Online Loan 2023/2024 Application Window;

The application window for HESLB Loans officially began on 15th July, 2023 and the application deadline is on 15th October, 2023, there all application should be made during this allowed period, make sure you complete your application as earlier as possible to avoid risks associated with late application

Documents required before starting HESLB Online Loan Application Processes;

Below are the important documents that must be kept in place before starting

  • Birth certificate certified by RITA or ZCSRA
  • Death certificate to prove orphanage certified by RITA or ZCSRA
  • Self-Disability Form (SDF-1) endorsed by the District Medical Officer (DMO) or Regional Medical Officer (RMO) or any designated medical expert with recognized affiliations;
  • Parent Disability Form (PDF-2) endorsed by the District Medical Officer (DMO) or Regional Medical Officer (RMO) or any designated medical expert with recognized affiliations;
  • Corporate Sponsorship Form (SCSF-3) supporting financial assistance received by applicant during pre-university/college schooling. SCSF-3 to be endorsed by applicant’s corporate sponsor;
  • Household vulnerability evidence endorsed by approved District Social Welfare Officer;
  • Retirement letter endorsed by the last employer recognized by the National Pension Scheme;
  • Social Support Beneficiary’s number from Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF). But this applies only for applicants whose parents are enrolled from this financial assistance scheme.

HESLB Online Loan 2023/2024 Application Process

Below are step –by- step procedures or instruction on how to complete HESLB Online Loan Application;

  • Step 1: Visit the HESLB Official website; VISIT HERE
  • Step 2: Find the link titled “Apply for Loan”

  • Step 3: Respond respectively as you will be asked, Respond if Completed your O-level education From NECTA
  • Step 4: Fill in Form Four Index Number and your details will be retrieved such as your name as it appear on CSEE
  • Step 5: Click the “Continue” Button the bottom of the Application panel
  • Step 6: Here you will be required to generate the control number, Formatted as “99XXXXXXXX
  • Step 7: The next Step is to make payment of the HESLB Online Loan Application Fee which is Tsh 30, 0000/=. Payment is done the government designed GePEG system;
  • Step 8: Next the step here you will be required to download the HESLB Online Loan Application Form
  • Step 9: Click the download button
  • Step 10: Save and visit stationery near you for printing
  • Step 11: Fill in the HESLB Loan Application Form correctly in the best of your knowledge
  • Step 12: Cross check the filled information and check careful the completeness and correctness of the filled inserted information and sign
  • Step 13: Organize all supporting documents which were pre-prepared before starting application process
  • Step 14: Scan the documents in line the signed HESLB Loan Application Form, the PDF file should be renamed “HESLB Loan Application Form”
  • Step 15: Login into your HESLB Account via Username and Password which were created in the very beginning stages.
  • Step 16: Finalize you HESLB Loan Application by upload the officially scanned documents
  • Step 17: Submit your Application. Congratulations for Completing your Application!


NB: Make sure these process are following according and don’t rush to complete you application while by-passing any of the critical step to ensure the great chance of securing your financial assistance for your university education

 What you need to do after you have successfully completed your HESLB Loan Application?

After completing you application, we advise you to keep visiting your account for any important notifications regarding you application, if your application is successfully and approved, you will see a notification outlining the loan amount and disbursement details you nave allocated.

You might also like the following related article;

  • List of HESLB Loan Beneficiaries 2023/2024 | Waliopata Mkopo 2023/2024 updates – CHECK HERE

Likewise if you application is not approved, read careful the notification and fix all issues with application and consider re-submitting the application

Conclusively; Elite Portal would like to thank for you time and we wish you all the best in completing you application

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